Vision - Groupe Illustration
Vision - illustration

Into-Light is about
Getting in touch with the depth of our being
For thousands of years, Spiritual masters have been transmitting powerful teachings aimed at guiding us to the core of our Being. Along this spiritual journey, trough experience, it appears to me that we are much more than just this body and this mind. In the background of thoughts, stories, worries, projections, there is something that is always there, always quiet, always open … It said to be the light of what we are, Pure Consciousness. Through the exploration of different Yogic traditions and by the power of meditation, we are invited to dive into ourselves, discovering and becoming more familiar with this quiet presence, with our Essence…
Allowing spontaneity to take us in a creative flow
Once in touch with the ground of our Being, there is something in us that can express itself freely! We naturally come back to this place of fascination, playfulness and wonderment… If we allow the creative process to take us and really offer ourselves with no expectation, inspiration comes and takes us in this flow … In this freedom, there is playfulness and a pure joy… the joy of being
.Healing trough listening, trusting and playing!
Most of our diseases come to teach us to listen, care and embrace life as a whole. Becoming more intimate with ourselves and connecting the different aspects of our Being will lead sooner or later to the full blossoming of our body, mind, and heart. Life is art and love its most profound expression ! Through Photography, we honour this process and celebrate the beauty of this world. Just by opening our hearts, our eyes will be in full wonderment and something in us will smile… That smile is enough, no expectation on the result… just that grace… So Let’s open ourselves and let the dance take us!
“Into-light is a sacred space that aims to support you in discovering, exploring and celebrating that inner light that shines in each of us.“